Corina Mihaela OPRITA (CIOARA)[1], Elena RADU[2],

Ingrid Alina COMAN[3], Natalia ROȘOIU[4]



Abstract. The Most citrus fruits are compromised each year due to post-harvest fungal infections. To reduce fungal infections, packing centers use fungicide solution mixtures to prevent infections that occur during harvest and then during storage. The most common fungal pathogens of citrus are commonly treated with the fungicides imazalil, Pyrimethanil due to their effectiveness in controlling these pathogens at low cost and ease of handling. However, little is known about how it alters tissues in citrus physiology. In this study we will investigate the behavior and retention of imazalil and pyrimethanil in the tissues of the red grapefruit fruit (peel and core before washing and after washing with hot water and simple dish detergent).

This work demonstrates a viable approach for assessing the quality of citrus fruits, and we can even proceed to thoroughly wash each fruit before consumption, as we remove a quantity of residue.

This work demonstrates that the treatment affects the citrus tissues and the substances migrate throughout the pulp, although the treatment was applied to the peel.

Washing, which is the first step in food processing on a domestic and industrial scale, helps to reduce pesticide residues on the fruit surface. In this study, the effectiveness of washing the peel was also investigated. Although many chemicals are applied to citrus to prevent certain diseases or control pests, there is little literature available on how these treatments alter the physiology of the fruit. Usually, the packaging only analyzes the level of treatments on the products.


Keywords: pesticides, citrus fruits, fungicide treatment.


DOI https://doi.org/10.56082/annalsarscibio.2022.2.74



Abstract Article Volume 11 No 2 2022

[1] IOSUD Univ. Ovidius Constanta, SD Științe Aplicate Domeniul Biologie/Biochimie, inginer specialist n cadrul Laboratorului Sanitar Veterinar şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor Constanţa/ Doctoral school institute of Ovidius University, SD Applied Sciences Biology / Biochemistry, specialist engineer at the Veterinary Sanitary Laboratory and for Food Safety Constanţa, email cioara.corina-ct@ansvsa.ro

[2] Inginer n cadrul Laboratorului Sanitar Veterinar şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor Constanţa / Engineer at the Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory Constanta

[3] Chimist n cadrul Laboratorului Sanitar Veterinar şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor Constanţa / Chemist at the Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Laboratory Constanta

[4] Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, IOSUD Univ. Ovidius Constanta, SD Științe Aplicate Domeniul Biologie/Biochimie, Membru Titular al Academiei Oamenilor de Știință din Romania, Președinte Secție Științe Biologice/Biomedicale/ Faculty of Medicine, Ovidius University of Constanta, IOSUD Univ. Ovidius Constanta, SD Applied Sciences Biology / Biochemistry, Full Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists